Nutrients/Active Ingredients: Thought to contain alkaloids, steroidal lactones, saponins, and with anolides (naturally occurring steroids). Contains protein, fiber, iron, calcium, carotene, and vitamin C.
Uses by system and symptom:
- Cardiovascular: May decrease the fats in your blood (lipids).
- Digestive/Gastrointestinal:
- Endocrine: Thought to support adrenal system by decreasing cortisol level. May reduce blood sugar levels and support thyroid function.
- Muscular: Used to improve muscle performance
- Nervous: used for anxiety, depression, stress, difficulty sleeping, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, poor memory, and some neurological conditions like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.
- Immune: Used to strengthen immune system and as an anti-inflammatory herb. Taken for joint and arthritis pain.
- Male/Female Reproductive: Balance hormone levels
- Other: Used as an antioxidant and for weight loss. Has been used to try to reduce side effects of the medications used to treat cancer and schizophrenia.
Common doses and preparation: Roots, seed, and leaves. Taken as capsule, tea, powder, and tincture.
* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only. We recommend speaking with a physician or health care professions, especially if you have allergies, medical conditions, are pregnant or lactating, on medications, or use with children and infants.