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Nutrients/Active Ingredients:  calcium, iodine, iron, pantothenic acid, sodium, vitamins A and B complex.

Herbal Action/ Properties:

Foundational Actions:  Not organ specific.  They describe an action an herb performs.  They often are linked to a tissue state (Energetics).

Demulcent, emollient, mucilant, nutritive.

Primary Actions:  tend to work on one or more systems, organs, or tissues. What you may find is they are linked with some of the foundational actions.

Alterative, diuretic, expectorant, galactagogue, vulnerary.

Secondary Actions: simply describe what the herb does.  They typically will only treat the symptom, not the cause.

Anticattarrhal, anti-inflammatory, antilithic, antimicrobial.

Foundational/Primary Uses:

Asthma, bleeding, bronchitis, kidney problems, nervous disorders, bed wetting, boils, emphysema, lung congestions pneumonia, urinary incontinence, urinary problems, uterine problems, whooping cough, wounds.

Secondary Uses:

Allergies, breast problems, burns, constipation, coughs, diabetes, diarrhea, dysentery, sore eyes, gangrene, gastric disorders, gland problems, inflammation, intestinal problems, kidney stones, poor lactation, liver disorders, irritated membranes, excessive mucous, skin disorders.

Parts Used: leaf (root can also be used)

Common doses and preparation:  Can be used topically, as a cold or hot infusion or decoction.  you can add to broths, soups or stews.  Described as a sweet and earthy taste.  

1 teaspoon-1tablespoon dried herb per 8 ounces water once to three times a day.

*If a product has a recommended dose, use the recommended dose. Recommended doses are approximate. Start with a low dose and increase as needed until you reach the recommended dose.

Side Effects/Precautions/Interactions:  can inhibit absorption of medications.  best to take 1-2 hours before medications or 2 hours after medication. Thought to lower blood sugar caution if you are on medications to lower your blood sugar.

* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only. We recommend speaking with a physician or health care professions, especially if you have medical conditions, are pregnant or lactating, on medications, or use with children and infants.

Marshmallow Leaf (Althaea officinalis) Family of Malvaceae

1 Ounce
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