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Nutrients/Active Ingredients:  Contains terpenes, flavonoids, phenolic acids, volatile oils, sterols, and tannins.  

Uses by system and symptom:

  • Cardiovascular: Used to decrease cholesterol levels, blood pressure,  prevent stroke, calcification of blood vessels (vascular calcification, arteriosclerosis, and atherosclerosis). Has also been used to slow fast or abnormal heart beats commonly with anxiety .
  • Digestive/Gastrointestinal: Has been used as a digestive bitter tonic
  • Nervous:  Has been used for anxiety and depression.  May help with insomnia.
  • Male/Female Reproductive: Used to manage PMS (cramps, and anxiety) and menopause symptoms.
  • Other: Used for alcohol use disorders.

Common doses and preparation:  Taken as tea, tincture, or extract most commonly.  Has a bitter taste.  Often mixed with honey or other herbs, like basil, with sweet flavor.  

Side Effects/Precautions/Interactions: Not recommended with pregnancy, lactation, if you have heart conditions.

* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only. We recommend speaking with a physician or health care professions, especially if you have medical conditions, are pregnant or lactating, on medications, or use with children and infants.

Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) Family of Lamiaceae/Mint

1 Ounce
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