Nutrients/Active Ingredients: Contains vitamin A, B6, calcium, iron, fiber, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, and sodium.
Uses by system and symptom:
- Cardiovascular: Used to lower blood pressure. Used as a blood detoxifier.
- Digestive/Gastrointestinal: Has been used as a liver protectant. Used for gingivitis and to help with gastric ulcers.
- Endocrine: Used to lower blood sugar.
- Integumentary/Skin: Used for dandruff, acne and psoriasis.
- Skeletal: Used to help prevent build up of plaque on your teeth.
- Immune: Thought to have antibacterial, antimalaria, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory qualities.
- Male/Female Reproductive:
- Other: Has been used as an insect repellant.
Common doses and preparation: Often combined with other herbs due to bitter taste. Commonly 2-4 teaspoons used. Used as a hair conditioner (by boiling leaves), skin toner (boiled with turmeric as a facial wash), oral rinse,
Side Effects/Precautions/Interactions: Caution if you have autoimmune disorders, pregnant, or lactating.
* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only. We recommend speaking with a physician or health care professions, especially if you have medical conditions, are pregnant or lactating, on medications, or use with children and infants.