Nutrients/Active Ingredients: Contains Curcumin, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), B3 (niacin), B2 (riboflavin), and choline (similar to B vitamins).
Uses by system and symptom:
- Cardiovascular: Used to try to prevent heart disease and decrease cholesterol level..
- Digestive/Gastrointestinal: Used as a tonic for liver health. Used for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), heartburn, stomach ulcers (peptic), and gallstones
- Endocrine:
- Integumentary/Skin: Used on skin for acne, sun damage, hyper-pigmentation, reducing dark circles under the eyes, brighten dull skin, help with psoriasis, and eczema.
- Skeletal: Used for arthritis pain and to prevent bone loss with osteoarthritis. .
- Nervous: Has been used for headaches, depression, and Alzheimer's.
- Immune: Used as an immune booster and for allergies. Thought to have anti-oxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory qualities.
- Male/Female Reproductive:
- Other: Used for cancer prevention.
Common doses and preparation: You can add it to meals or use as tea. Flavors well with tuna, chicken, rice, eggs, beans, vegetable. As a tea, use ¼ tsp ground. Add a dash to any shake you like. Used as food color and in dye for hair and clothes. Used in cosmetics. Black pepper thought to increase absorption of the curcumin.
To make curry use 8 parts coriander, 1-part turmeric, 1-part cayenne pepper. Ad oil and whatever protein you like.
Side Effects/Precautions/Interactions:
* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only. We recommend speaking with a physician or health care professions, especially if you have medical conditions, are pregnant or lactating, on medications, or use with children and infants.